Important Announcement: FDA Rulings Prompt Discontinuation of Certain Peptides

At Head2Toe Health, our primary focus has always been on providing safe and effective medical solutions to our patients. We take our commitment to your health and well-being very seriously. Recently, the FDA has issued new rulings affecting the availability of certain peptides, and we want to inform our valued patients about these changes.

Understanding the FDA Rulings

The FDA plays a critical role in ensuring that all pharmaceuticals, including peptides, are safe and effective for their intended use. To maintain the highest standards of patient care, the FDA continuously evaluates and regulates various substances. In this case, the FDA has ruled on several peptides for a variety of reasons, including concerns about safety, efficacy, and legality.

Discontinued Peptides

  1. CJC-1295

  2. Ipamorelin

  3. BPC 157

  4. Ibutamoren

  5. AOD 9604

  6. Kisspeptin

What This Means for Our Patients

As a responsible NP practice, we fully comply with the FDA's regulatory decisions. The health and well-being of our patients remain our top priority. If you are currently using any of the peptides mentioned above or have questions about alternative treatments, we encourage you to reach out to us. We are here to provide guidance, answer your questions, and assist you in making informed decisions about your health.

Moving Forward

At Head2Toe Health, we remain committed to offering safe and effective treatments that align with FDA regulations and guidelines. While the discontinuation of these peptides may pose challenges for some patients, we are dedicated to exploring alternative therapies and options that can address your specific health concerns.




Hormone Optimization Therapy and Peptides: A Comprehensive Guide